Non-Destructive Rope Testing / Ropeway Technology

We develop various practice-oriented rope testing methods, test and monitor systems and deal with all questions concerning ropeway technology.

Magnetic induction testing of cableway ropes

The non-destructive rope testing team carries out magneto-inductive rope tests on all types of ropeways worldwide, on bridge ropes and in industrial plants. Wire ropes between 10 and 140 mm can be tested with the devices developed by IFT itself. The tested industrial applications include, for example, storage and retrieval machines, cranes or shaft hoisting systems.

Rope testing device

The magneto-inductive rope testers are distributed by our partner Mesomatic in close cooperation with the IFT.

Visuelles Seilprüfgerät
Visual rope testing device in use

With the help of digital visual rope inspection, the quality condition of ropes can be determined safely and reliably. The IFT develops visual rope inspection systems for ropeways and other applications (bridge ropes, crane ropes, ropes in high-bay warehouses).


This image shows Ralf Eisinger

Ralf Eisinger


Head of Non-Destructive Rope Testing / Ropeway Technology

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